One of my favorite memories of creating New Year's Resolutions is one that took place a few years ago. Some family friends invited us to take part in their family tradition. Each person wrote down three resolutions and three predictions for the new year. These were kept secret and all stored in a jar. The following New Year's Eve, the jar was opened and each person read out loud what they had written. At this point, we laughed and enjoyed the moment and helped each other realize that we had accomplished more that year than we had thought.
That magical moment reminded me that it is not about me achieving perfection. What is special is our commitment to improve and the friends who motivate and encourage us to be better. So as you sit down on Decision Day and make your New Year's Resolutions (or not) I urge you to remember that you don't have to wait until January first to make life better.
"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." Carl BardTHAT is the key. You can start any day at any time and anywhere you want to start. You have the option to make your life better by making better decisions. It's all up to you. Change is never easy. It takes work, strength and determination. I have a friend who can give you strength and help you through this process. He has been my rock, comforter, friend and Savior. His name is Jesus. I invite you to be His friend as well. If you want to find out more about how Jesus can help, comment and I'll share it with you. Resolutions. So, it is your Day to Decide. What will you do with this New Year? Will you do something new? Will you scratch something off your bucket list? Will you change nothing? Will you change everything? It is all up to you. Happy New Year!
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