Recently a young lady attending college in our community lost her right to free speech, freedom of religion and the right to believe in something different. How did she lose these rights? A court of law stated that not only did she no longer have these rights, but in addition she had to take extra courses at her college in Diversity. Well, if she wanted to continue on at her college. How can this happen? There is a battle happening in our culture. It is a battle for control over what you can think and say.
This young woman has now been ordered by the court to never again express that her belief that homosexuality is a choice and in her opinion, wrong. You don't have to agree with her. However, you should be outraged that she is being punished for her belief. That is where the line must be drawn as far as I am concerned. My husband spends more time away from his family than with it to defend the Constitution of the United States. He puts his life on the line in more ways than one to protect us and our rights. He defends your right to have a different belief and express that belief even if it differs with his own personal beliefs. Last time I checked, Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion were still guaranteed to us in the Constitution of the United States!
Why are we constantly being told to turn the other cheek, stay quiet, conform to the norm, etc.? What happened to standing up for what we believe? Wasn't that what our Founding Fathers were doing when were being unfairly treated by Great Britain during the Colonial Era? Dang it! I'm tired of being told to keep my head down and deal with it. What kind of role model am I if I don't stand up for what I believe? We all need to stop sitting on our words and stand up for what we believe in no matter what.
I'll start. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Messiah, and that he died on the cross so that my sins could be forgiven and I could spend eternity in Heaven if I just believe and accept. I believe that discrimination and reverse discrimination are WRONG! I believe that in some things, our country has gotten off track but it is still the BEST country in the world. I believe that true love exists, but that it exists in commitment as much as it does in love. I believe in truth, love, peace. I believe in doing the right thing, no matter what the consequences. I believe we have the power to change our future and that it is our responsibility to make it better. Now it is your turn. What do you believe? What will YOU stand up for?
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