Thursday, December 1, 2011

Rest for the Weary

     Paranoia isn't just a word.  It is a state of living we all suffer through especially with regard to inanimate objects in our life, like ... laundry.  Why is it I feel the need to pray over my clothes before they go into the washer or dryer?  There is almost a funeral atmosphere as I wonder what cherished items will not be seen again.  Where do they go?????  The worst part is, it is getting worse!  It started with a sock here and there -- frustrating but not the worst thing.  Then, it begins to escalate, a t-shirt, sweatshirt, and it doesn't stop until jeans and towels disappear.  What monster steals these clothes?  What nefarious purpose is behind the thefts?  Can it get any worse?
     YES! Well, at least according to my husband.  He swears that there are people who have a very special job.  Their job is to see where you park your car at the grocery store, mall or mega mart and move it while you are shopping.  That way, when you exit the store with your items, you look ridiculous going up and down looking for the car.  My husband would testify in a court of law that this has been happening for years.  Apparently, they prefer not to mess with me because I can find my car right where I parked it.  Just sayin'.
     Okay, admit it.  You smiled if not chuckled at some point.  The real question is why do we let this stuff aggravate us so much?  We have all forgotten where we parked our car at least once in our lives but we just let it get to us.  Admittedly, it gets to some of us more than others.  My husband is a very laid back kind of man who lets very little bother him.  I am a very passionate person and a worrier by nature.   My husband helps me let most stuff go and keeps me calm when I am getting worked up about something.  Why do I get so worked up in the first place?  Why is that missing sock such a big deal? Why do we stress over such little stuff (although my missing jeans SEEM like a big deal at the time)?
     The simple answer here is that we are doing too much.  We have forgotten to rest, take a break and have fun.  Snow White might like to whistle while she works but you will never convince me she enjoyed doing the same household chores everyday.  While it is true that we have fun doing our work or serving with our friends, we still need rest.  God created everything in six days and rested on the seventh.  It's not like He was suddenly tired, it was to serve as an example to us to TAKE A BREAK AND REST!  A hard lesson to learn sometimes indeed.  One many of us have to learn by force. 
    During this busy season and throughout the year, let's try to learn that lesson of rest.  You know best what you need (more sleep, quiet time, time doing your favorite hobby, etc.) so do it.  Relax and take a little time to unwind.  That way the next time your car is moved to part of the parking lot while you are shopping or the washing machine eats your favorite sweater, you won't get so uptight about it all.  Who knows, you may even laugh.

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