Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Something Good, Please!

     So, think with me (I know it is a challenge early in the morning). When was the last time you heard something good? When was the last time you heard someone complement another?  I hope it was soon, today even.  Sometimes we just need to hear or remember that although we have issues a plenty, there really is a lot right with the world too.
     Did you know that a couple of days ago a teenager saved his neighbor from a house fire by using a rickety ladder in Pennsylvania?  Amazing.  I know two preteen girls who are asking people to write letters to Santa to help raise money for the Make A Wish charity.  Selfless.  Actually I know, and am honored to work with, hundreds of teens in Georgia that work hard for charities every year.  Incredible.  Last summer a local church in our area paid for gas for everyone who went to a certain gas station during it's business hours one day this year.  Wow.  These are not simply random acts of kindness and community that were done once and forgotten.  People do this every day.  These people are our neighbors, they are in fact ... they are us.  We need to celebrate that fact.
    Family, friends and community make our lives better.  The trite saying of "Love makes the world go around" is true.  Love, not hate binds us together.  It is like light in the darkness.  We have the power to light up those around us with encouragement, love, service and friendship.  Every time we do, we stamp out the darkness of separation.  The light is there, we simply need to share it with others and help it spread. 
     So take the challenge, talk about something good today and everyday.  Don't get sucked into the negative.  Give a compliment or encouragement to others.  Light up our world!  Who knows, if we are all diligent there may come a day where our news is full of what is good and right instead of all the bad things that happened that day.

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