Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Who Shepherd's the Shepherd?

     What is the most isolating job you can think of?  Scientist in the South Pole?  Undertaker?  Assasin?  Come on, think harder! I would say that being a Christian Pastor or Preacher would be the most isolating job I can think of in this life.  Talk about judgement!  Everyone's eyes are always on you, waiting for you to make the smallest mistake so that they can pounce on you (and feel better about themselves).  People find out what you do for a living and don't want to have anything to do with you.  Our own society is rejecting Christianity and the beliefs of these men more and more every day.  That is a tough life to live, yet these men of God live it voluntarily and with humility and love.  These men truly live their heart on their sleeve, yet go after it every day. 
     So, what is their job, exactly?   I would never presume to tell you instead I will give you the facts from the ultimate authority, the Bible.  A pastor has seven basic responsibilities:  teach the Word of God and pray (Acts 6:4, 1 Timothy 5:17-19), praying for the sick (James 5:14), oversight of the church (Acts 20:28), resolve doctrinal issues (Acts 15:6), church discipline (Matthew 18:15-17), be a Godly example to the church (1 Peter 5:1-2) and shepherd the church (1 Peter 5:1-2).  That is an overwhelming job to be sure but let's focus specifically on the last responsibility, shepherding the flock. What does that mean?
 The duty of shepherds was to keep their flock intact and protect it from wolves and other predators. The shepherd was also to supervise the migration of the flock and ensured they made it to market areas in time for shearing.  (
     Wikipedia puts it well, to keep the flock intact and protect it from wolves and other predators, to get the flock to market in time for shearing.  In terms of a Christian Pastor that means he has to help every member of his "flock" at all times, protect them, pray over them and help them be ready for Christ's return while being a good example and rejected by the world.  Talk about a tough job. 
     Yet it begs the question, who shepherd's the shepherd?  God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit are the correct answers by how?  People.   Simple people like you and me.  They are after all, just men themselves.  They make mistakes, just like us.  They need forgiveness and love, just like us.  They are HUMAN, just like us!  We are called to encourage one another (Hebrews 10:25) and that includes our Christian pastors.  In know it isn't pastor appreciation month or anything but let's share the Spirit of the Christmas Season with our pastors as well as everyone else.  I'll even start. 
     Pastor P, thanks for keeping me on track and always inspiring me to grow.  Also, thanks for being so funny and being transparent about your own struggles.  They encourage me.  You are who you are 100% of the time and is awesome.
     Pastor T, you are such a man of integrity.  We may disagree about minor stuff but I am blessed to have you as a Christian brother.  Being your friend is an honor and one I hope to have throughout eternity.  Our discussions mean so much to me.     

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