Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Being on Notice

     Recently, okay last night, I saw one of the new Christmas movies and I have to say it made a huge impact.  In the movie the heroine keeps reliving the same day over and over until she takes a risk with her heart.  One of the best parts of the movie was the evolution of the heroine and how it has inspired me to change.  Kate, the heroine, begins to notice all those around her as she journeys through Christmas Eve over and over again.
     Did you miss it?  I almost did myself.  Kate begins to notice all those around her.  Wow.  How guilty are we all of that?  Even the most observant of people can fail to see those around them.  We are surrounded by people.  Some we know, some are just strangers we see once and never again.  How many do we fail to notice?  How many do I fail to notice?  Even among those I know and care about there are too many!   It could be said that even among our loved ones there is much we don't notice. 
     In my house, I do so many things that my family depends on but doesn't notice.  Believe me, they would quickly notice if there was no power, internet or cell phone service.  But why should it come to that?  What should we only notice what others do for us because they are gone or unable to do it?  Shouldn't we be more aware of these acts of love?  Do we all need to relive the same day over and over again to finally stop focusing on our To Do list, problems, in essence, ourselves and notice what is going on around us?  Are we destined to be ostriches forever? 
     Fortunately, it doesn't have to be that dramatic.  It's a good thing too because I would make a very goofy looking ostrich.  Just take a second now and pause.  Take a breath, close your eyes and think about everyone you have come into contact today.  I'll bet it is more people than you thought it would be.  Don't forget to include those you interact with online and through social networks.  Wow, and that is just today!  Let's take an extra few seconds throughout our days and notice the acts of love and kindness we benefit from each day. 
     Let's notice our life and those in it.  We can pay attention to those around us and maybe be transformed like the heroine in the Christmas movie my family watched last night. 

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