They lived happily ever after. *Sigh* I have to admit that I love movies that have a happy ending. Often some really great movies and books end too quickly, in my opinion, and don’t let you really enjoy the moment when all is right with the world. Why is this type of ending so demanded by audiences? Simple, we don’t live it enough ourselves. As children we think that "happily ever after" means no conflict, no problems, you can do whatever you want, no negatives and the key element ... we will NEVER be disappointed. Real life has a different set of rules. Real life is not perfect and neither are we.
Recently a friend of mine spoke about "Happiness" in his blog. A noble task indeed and it was a wonderful blog. It definitely started my brain to thinking. Happiness. Why aren’t we happy? What prevents us from being happy in our current circumstances? Two things jumped out in my mind, but I kept thinking and realized that really both of these things stemmed from the same root. It kicks you in the knees and then knocks you over. It prevents you from seeing and enjoying the blessings in your life. It keeps pride at the forefront and love and forgiveness far from your heart. What earthly thing could do all of this? Disappointment.
It is so easy to forget that we are all just humans. We are not perfect and we will disappoint those around us a time or ten. What we can’t forget is that it is okay NOT to be perfect. The struggle for us to be perfect leaves us exhausted and disappointed. Our imperfections are part of what make us who we are as a person. We might be disappointed that our circumstance isn’t as good as someone else’s or even, what we may desire for ourselves or our loved ones, BUT that disappointment should never define us. We are more than our mistakes and imperfections. We ARE miraculous and special.
Dwelling on the negative is too easy and costs us so much happiness. We are merely imperfect people in an imperfect world. There is so much RIGHT with us (and the world). Shamefully we need to be reminded of this. You and I alike need constant reminding. Life is a miraculous gift that has been granted to each of us. A decision to focus on the positive isn't easy and it will be constantly challenged. That same decision, however, is how disappointment can be defeated. So, let’s focus more on what is right and good rather than what isn’t. We need to encourage each other and ourselves to love more, try harder, become the best we can possibly become and be happier with what we have and who we are right now. THAT is the true "Happily Ever After" ending in this world that we all crave.
Recently a friend of mine spoke about "Happiness" in his blog. A noble task indeed and it was a wonderful blog. It definitely started my brain to thinking. Happiness. Why aren’t we happy? What prevents us from being happy in our current circumstances? Two things jumped out in my mind, but I kept thinking and realized that really both of these things stemmed from the same root. It kicks you in the knees and then knocks you over. It prevents you from seeing and enjoying the blessings in your life. It keeps pride at the forefront and love and forgiveness far from your heart. What earthly thing could do all of this? Disappointment.
It is so easy to forget that we are all just humans. We are not perfect and we will disappoint those around us a time or ten. What we can’t forget is that it is okay NOT to be perfect. The struggle for us to be perfect leaves us exhausted and disappointed. Our imperfections are part of what make us who we are as a person. We might be disappointed that our circumstance isn’t as good as someone else’s or even, what we may desire for ourselves or our loved ones, BUT that disappointment should never define us. We are more than our mistakes and imperfections. We ARE miraculous and special.
Dwelling on the negative is too easy and costs us so much happiness. We are merely imperfect people in an imperfect world. There is so much RIGHT with us (and the world). Shamefully we need to be reminded of this. You and I alike need constant reminding. Life is a miraculous gift that has been granted to each of us. A decision to focus on the positive isn't easy and it will be constantly challenged. That same decision, however, is how disappointment can be defeated. So, let’s focus more on what is right and good rather than what isn’t. We need to encourage each other and ourselves to love more, try harder, become the best we can possibly become and be happier with what we have and who we are right now. THAT is the true "Happily Ever After" ending in this world that we all crave.
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