Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Leave the Radio ALONE!

     If you have ever driven with a preteen or teenager then there has been some kind of radio battle.  For me, it's easy.  I don't really mind if my teenagers pick the station.  If my headache turns into a migraine, they are okay with my choosing "quieter" music.  What really drives me bonkers is when they can not leave the station alone.  There is no finishing a song, waiting through a commercial, nothing.  It's 15 seconds on this station, then 20 seconds on the next station.  Really?  What happened to listening to an entire song?
     Impatience, it is a major part our culture.  Why work your way to the top when you can get there faster by compromising yourself or others.  Why use the DVR when you can just watch two shows simultaneously.  Why cook real food when you can just pop something in a microwave?  Why play a board game when you can just get the electronic version and not have to wait for a sibling to take their turn.  I am all for convenience and saving time.  If you saw my schedule you would need to take a nap after just reading it.  It is just that a few words need to be said for having a little more patience.  Why are we so impatient?  Simple, we are too busy and have forgotten some of the basics of life.
     Recently I wrote about the importance of rest, yet let's explore a different avenue of rest, recreation.  Recreation takes many forms.  It can be a hobby, playing games, watching television, playing a sport, drawing, painting, etc. These are supposed to be things we spend time doing.  This is our "down time" to simply enjoy and relax.  They are not supposed to be done while we multi-task three or four other things as well. 
     I am SO guilty of this myself.  My son asked me about three years ago, "Momma, what do you do for fun?"  To say that this took me aback is the understatement.  Yet he had realized something that I had missed.  I was so busy taking care of everyone and getting everything done, that I had stopped doing things I enjoyed doing.  I struggled to answer him.  Wow, how telling is that?  After listing things that I "used to" enjoy doing, I was convicted.  Recreation needed to be made a priority.  I was so busy getting everything done, that I had forgotten to live my life. 
     Don't make my mistake!   Remember that it is our relationships and the time we spend with the people we care about that fulfill us.  Often the reason we are so over-committed with our responsibilities is because of our loved ones.  Children do tend to fill up a schedule but they need down time too.  In an effort to provide every opportunity for them we often neglect what is important.  Better to spend time with them.  Does it REALLY matter if your house isn't perfect?  If it is at the cost of time with your loved ones than a messy house is better than a perfect one.  Take the time to spend with those you love and doing the things you love.  You will never regret it.

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