Thursday, December 8, 2011

Bring on the Furniture

     Recently a very good friend (more like family actually) told me I was furniture.  Perplexed does not begin to describe my reaction. Have you ever been called furniture? Me either. If it hadn't been such a good friend, I would have thought the worst. So, quickly I tried to think how furniture could relate to friendship.  It was and is definitely a comparison I had never made before.
     When I say the word furniture, what is the first piece you think of?  Me? I think about a couch or dresser.  Neither of which instantly connected with friendship in my mind.  So, I did a terrible thing (according to my son) I used my brain.  Well, I guess I can make the case that a good friendship is like a dresser.  It knows how to protect your drawers and unmentionables from spying eyes.  You pack it full of things you enjoy.  It's sturdy and you interact with it everyday.  Okay, our friendship can be like a dresser ... I guess.  Maybe it's a couch.  What do you do with a couch?  You sit on it, sleep on it and watch television.  You spend time together with your couch and it always helps you when you need spare change.  Hmm, maybe a friendship could be like a couch?  Help me here!  A lamp?  Your friendship lights up my life?  Ugh!
     Letting go of my pride and dignity, I asked for an explanation.  Well, wouldn't you?  The answer was simple.  "Furniture = your favorite spot on the sofa... something you can't live without and has been there long enough that if it was gone it would interrupt your whole world."  Wow.  That just made my day, maybe even my week, even if it does mean I am a couch. 
     So what is it about finding that special group of friends that just makes everything better?  I'm talking about the real friends, the kind that if you call at two o'clock in the morning from a hundred miles away for help, they are there without any questions being asked.  I am blessed to have four of those (including my husband).  They are there for the good, the bad, the indifferent and make my life better, simply because I know them. 
     Friends are such important part of our lives that we often forget to tell our friends how much we value them.  As the world gets smaller with the internet, cell phones and social networking we often forget how much the simple presence of a true friend makes.  A widow doesn't always need your words at her husband's funeral.  Often she just needs you there, with her, showing your love with your presence.  That presence is key.  It is the time and interaction with each other that really makes life better.  So, during this Holiday Season I want to say thank you to each of my friends for being so incredible and I'm honored to have you in my life.  That is also what I wish for each of you reading this blog.  That you be blessed with friends like mine -- even if they do call you furniture.

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