Monday, November 18, 2013

Picture Perfect

    We see them everywhere, or so we think.  A perfect family that live perfect lives with perfect children, houses and cars.  It appears as if everyone around us has their life, children, money, etc. all together.  There are even days where it appears that we are the only ones who aren't picture perfect so we try even harder to achieve that perfection.  Well, I have news for you today.  If you are reading this current blog series on our journey toward a simpler life and are thinking that I/we have all the answers you are in for a big surpise.  Perfection does NOT exist.  We are in reality just a bunch of ducks on the water.  Looking serene on the outside but paddling like mad underwater (where no one can see our imperfections).  Guess what, I don't care that you aren't perfect.  In fact, I would much rather have you be imperfect because so am I.  That's right, I'm saying it out loud and in a public forum, "I am not perfect".  For those of you that know me this is not a big surprise. 
     My favorite people are those who are comfortable enough to be able to admit their imperfections.  They exude a peace and serenity that few others enjoy.  So, why don't we all cast off the masks and accept and embrace our imperfections?  ...  So, there are either crickets chirping while you seek a fitting excuse, or you have learned the same difficult life lesson that I have learned.  No one is perfect or has the perfect life. We all struggle to keep our masks on so no one will see our imperfections. Why? What exactly wrong with our imperfections?  Why do we feel the need to hide behind the mask?  Even doing the right thing, or even something different leads to negative consequences much of the time.  Why is that? 
     I don't know the answers.  I'm not sure any of us do. So the question then becomes,  what are you going to do about it?   As for me, I choose to remember that it is not my job to be perfect.  One perfect man did exist but we crucified Him long ago.  I'm not Him, nor will I ever be like Him on this side of eternity. Instead, I can simply choose to be me, the imperfect, flawed woman I am.  Someone else can deal with the stress and anxiety of trying to be perfect.  I choose peace and faith.  Faith that can set me free from the insecurities of my imperfections. I also invite you to join me in this decision. Let's be who we really are instead of trying to be who we aren't.  I promise it will be worth it.

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