Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A New Adventure

     I haven't been blogging for a bit, which you may or may not have noticed.  Those of you who know me personally know that there have been TOO MANY life changes within the past three to four months.  There have also been many members of my family (biological and chosen) that have faced loss, and devastation.  My focus has been on that and not on blogging.  So, why start now? Simple, we are now living half a country away from where we have been.  With the new house, come new rules, thoughts, ideas and activities.   A big one for me is getting back to basics with my life.  For the most part that means strengthening my relationship with Christ, missing my eldest!!!!!, and doing a tiny fraction of what I used to do.  In addition, we are getting back to some old fashioned skills, hobbies and ways of life.

     The funniest part about it is that it is something we had been talking about doing for some time now.  It would have been pretty drastic in Georgia, but here in Kansas we are just one of many families that still live a simpler life.  So, I'm inviting you to take a journey with me.  One in which I will share our struggles and successes with this new adventure.  The choice is now yours, experience it with me and become part of our family or not. 


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