Monday, November 28, 2011

December Troubles

     So, why is it that wishing someone well becomes a major issue when it comes time for the Holidays?  I admit I grew up during a time when people still said Happy Thanksgiving in November and didn't move right into Christmas after the start of school in September.  Yet I feel we have lost something vital.  We have deprived ourselves of the ability to accept friendship and well wishing.  That is a sad and tragic commentary of our current times.
     I grew up in a predominately Christian area.  Some of my friends were (and still are) Jewish.  They would wish me a Happy Hanukkah and I would wish them a Merry Christmas.  It was NOT a problem.  No one was offended.  No explanation needed.  We accepted the friendship, the spirit of the words even if we did not share in the same Holiday.  The words came from the heart and we received as such.  Tolerance did not have to be preached, it was understood.  A Nativity scene was placed next to a Menorah in the center of town.  Some trees were draped in white and blue while others had many different colors.  Yet the beauty and season was enjoyed by all.  The scene would have been empty if either had been missing.  It was the sharing of our special days that made it all so wonderful ... well, parties and vacation from school didn't hurt either.
     So, why can't we still have that same understanding and acceptance now?  Why does there have to be a battle because I like wishing people Merry Christmas or my friends someone a Happy Hanukkah?  Do we have to remain silent between Thanksgiving and New Year's so that no one is offended?  Wait!  I have received censure for wishing someone a Happy Thanksgiving (because the Pilgrims were a religious group) and Happy New Year (the Chinese don't have 1 January as their New Year).  Can some people stop being so touchy?  Yes, I know there are other holidays during this time but isn't that the point?  Rather than be upset because they have not been mentioned, understand that I am including all the holidays yet for the sake of time and space speaking only of two.
     Wish me a Happy Hanukkah! I will be honored.  I may say Happy Hanukkah if you are Jewish or Merry Christmas because I am a Christian.  To all of us the season is special.  So let's celebrate together.  You can honor the miracle of the Menorah and I will celebrate in the miracle of God becoming human for the sole purpose of dying for our sins so we can be with Him in heaven.  Let's have a time of miracles this year.  We can celebrate what we have in common instead of what separates us.  There is time enough for that later.

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